#erukanamission #playermission

Active Mission - Player

Missionstatus:: Active
MissionName:: Solve the murder of Miri in Astley
MissionFaction:: Astley
MissionOwner:: us
OpposingFaction:: The cult of Lord Alistair
MissionAcceptedDate:: 4th of Uktar
Real-life-Date:: 250624
SessionNR:: 17
CompletedDate:: 140824
CompletedSessionNR:: 19

Mission Briefing

A young woman was found murdred brutally, shredded and clawed by a wild beast, in the woods just outside Astley.
Clarabel coincidentally ran like a werewolf into the night the same night and though she only remembers flashes of what happened she saw the body.
Winston woke Clarabel in her room, all muddied and dishevelled, with a fingernail in her mouth.

Alistair estate
Sangstrup home

NPC's encountered on mission

Den brækkede knogle Kromutter
vagtkaptajn Samuel
Krugge's bagermester
Lord Alistair
Lady lucille vitano
Lord Steffan blast fingers

Mission Debriefing - The murder of Miri Sangstrup

Related: Solve the murder of Miri in Astley

Mission Debriefing

  • We investigated the site of discovery, found tracks that indicated the body of miri sangstrup had been dragged into the woods from the city.
  • We did a background check on Miri with her father at the Sangstrup household, where we learned of her fiancee and that she had a close friend in the city, named Elvira.
  • Investigating the market, asking around about Miri and her possible friend led us to the den brækkede knogle tavern where Elvira worked as a pleasure girl.
  • Elvira told us she attended a nightly activity on a regular basis, but she did not wish to reveal anymore than that. Upon further encouragement she chose to reveal the name Lord Alistair and upon this utterance a terrible curse named The strangle voice curse took effect upon the poor girl. Her heart burst and blood gushed from her mouth.
  • The keep of the tavern den brækkede knogle was of no help, she was more concerned with the city guard not showing up.
  • We summoned the memory of Elvira back into her body and asked her 5, not 4 and not 6 questions.
    • Who killed Miri? : I do not know
    • Why was Miri killed?: She discovered us
    • Who cursed you to be silent?: Rich lady in a black n red dress (later to be discovered to be Lady lucille vitano)
    • What goes on at the secret parties in the warehouse?: Lord Alistair throws parties for his cult - The cult of the Opal society
    • do you know any other names in Lord Alistair's cult?: Krugger (Miri's fiancee)
  • The one good information from the keep was that often someone would come to fetch Elvira and the day we were there she had another appointment
  • We investigated the curse at the city library, see appendix on The strangle voice curse
  • Then we proceeded to wait in Elivra's room for the woman coming to fetch her, we believed it to be the same who had cursed her.
  • It was not the same woman, but some girl who had been paid by Lord Alistair to come fetch Elivra for him
  • We disguised one of us as Elvira and had the girl escort us to the location, which turned out to be the Alistair estate
  • our "elvira" went inside and we waited out side for a signal via his wizards familiar
  • Once signalled we rushed in to find Lord Alistair, Lord Steffan blast fingers, Lord Marshal Viggo Trenten and Lady lucille vitano attacking our friend with demons, sword and magic.
    • It would seem that Lord Alistair & Lady lucille vitano also sent souls to hell. The room in the basement is filled with mirrors that act as a viewing portal to all the souls they have sent there. We saw this in action as Lady lucille vitano sent one of our souls there.
  • Lord Marshal Viggo Trenten invoked the name GRAZZT, which we believe to be some kind of Fiend lord, perhaps this is the one they all served
  • Lord Steffan blast fingers was willing to name names of other rich and powerful people involved in the cult club, but Mielikki's divine intervention sent him to the abyss and saved our friend's soul.
  • We have yet to discover at way to save all the souls
  • Further investigation of the Alistair estate revelaed that the real Lord Alistair is a victim as well and his soul is also trapped in hell. The fiend we encountered has used his form, name and position to further his cultist ends.


Lord Alistair and Lady lucille vitano hosted a club - The cult of the Opal society - in the Alistair estate for the rich and powerful. Here they could indulge in all manner of decadant desires.
They also collected souls of unfortunate for their fiend lord Grazzt.
Miri Sangstrup saw what was really going on and she should not have.
Lord Alistair turned her fiance Krugge into a beast to pursue her and kill her.
Krugge's current location is unknown.
Lady lucille vitano escaped from the mansion and is perhaps the real power behind The cult of the Opal society

Signed by ~ Mistville Marshal's
Winston Wildwood - Nibar Brassbit - Vargoth Sul - Clarabel Lancaster DndBeyondSheet & Bjørn of Nordheim
flour de lis wax seal.png|300

Mission Reward

Calarabel's name cleared
Miri's murderer unmasked

Loot found on Mission

Loot found